Montag, 8. März 2010


(Ranya in Russian Vogue)

words are unnecessary.


on saturday my little sister and I went to the cinema to see Tim Burton's new movie based on the Alice stuff.
I don't know what I expected, I guess I expected nothing but just hoped it wouldn't be bad, 'cause I love Alice's Adventures in Wonderland so much and I like Tim Burton, and I just hoped he wouldn't spoil the stuff. I know it sounds strange that I was worried about that even though I usually like his work, but well, I don't need to explain it... (._.")
So, I was happy really happy about the outcome.
Well, the "real" Alice stuff is a little chaotic in the movie, but I think it's ok 'cause for me (personally) there were some happy-making messages in the movie.
Haha, I know it might sound weird, but well, it made me happy, so...( ^^)"

And Mia was SO pretty as Alice.
And Mr. Depp was so wonderful as Mad Hatter, I have always imagined Mad Hatter rather looking that good & crazy than as bad and scary as he looks in the drawings of the original book.

Sonntag, 7. März 2010



Christian Dior autumn/winter 2010/11 part 2


Christian Dior autumn/winter 2010/11

(love these oberknee socks.)

(pictures from

I wasn't a huge fan of last season's collection, but this time some very girlish, bright coloured, playful pieces among the autum/winter collection caught my eye.
I love this innocent, dollish look.


have just eaten o-sushi, it was tasty.

Freitag, 5. März 2010


(click for fullsize view)
There is this japanese brand called GADGET GROW I'm really into, and I thought I should introduce it here.
What concerns menswear, this is really one of my favourites.
Well, you can clearly see where the brand (or rather those who design the stuff) is drawing its inspiration from but I like the outcome and well... one can pay it, which is a big PLUS.

Have a look at the campaign photos and the pretty model.
Some of the photos are a little darker, but never gothic.

Donnerstag, 4. März 2010


sketching around a little these days.

a constant state of flux.

"My outlook is in a constant state of flux. I follow a given course for a period of time until it stops producing results then I question where I find myself and what's still applicable to life in the present. At any given period our main focus might be on only one or two aspects of our being: the sensual, the emotional, the intellectual, the metaphysical. Working our way around this can be both painful and enlightening but always rewarding."
by David Sylvian in i-D magazine issue 305

local color.

"Perhaps, like most of us in foreign countries, he was incapable of placing people, selecting a frame for their picture, as he would at home; therefore all Americans had to be judged in a pretty equal light, and on this basis his companions appeared to be tolerable examples of local color and national character."
from: Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote

Yes, and I still ask myself with what kind of people I was hanging with when I was travelling last summer.
Oh, by the way.
In Tokyo many girls do their make-up on the train, and one day when i was in really a hurry I did it, too.
Not until recently would I have known that this is quite an embarassing behaviour, even though those girls do it.

a little more Galliano.

picture from
John Galliano SS2010

When I found this in a magazine from January, I was like : "Haven't I seen this before somewhere?"
It really reminds me of some certain (or uncertain...) guy whom I don't want to name here.
By the way,
I like big dots. The bigger, the better.

cherry lips.

photo from

I have just printed out this photo from Galliano SS2010.
This make-up is so awesome, I'd really like to give it a try.
Anyway, I'll add it to my inspiration poster.

my breakfast.

Somehow grapefruits look like healthy, happy, little suns.
Eating them makes me happy somehow, just like bananas.

Dienstag, 2. März 2010


Wie unglaublich gut das aussieht, Herr Yamamoto...


Gestern machten sich M. und ich auf den Weg nach Köln, um uns sowohl den neu eröffneten Weekday store als auch zwei weitere Geschäfte anzusehen, deren Namen ich leider vergessen haben, die aber Vivienne Westwood und Comme des Garçons führen.

Meine Meinung zu Weekday ist folgende:
Der Shop scheint auf den ersten Blick ganz überschaubar, was sich aber als Fehlglaube herausstellt, da er sich immer weiter nach hinten in das Gebäude zu erstrecken scheint und leider geht einem da auch ein wenig die Übersicht verloren.
Das ist aber eigentlich nicht weiter tragisch, denn ich persönlich finde, dass wirklich viele Teile bei Weekday gut aussehen und leistbar sind, was auf jeden Fall sehr gut ist, nicht?
Die Vintage Ecken haben mich zwar nicht sehr angesprochen (also Vintage gerne, aber nicht die Kleidung die sie da angeboten haben ... (:_;) ), aber der Rest des Ladens war doch schon ganz gut.
Gekauft habe ich dennoch nichts- a) habe ich erst kürlich eine Menge neuer Sachen gekauft und b) bestand auch kein konkreter Bedarf, das heißt ich besitze zu den Stücken, die mich am meisten ansprachen, ein Äquivalent in meinem Kleiderschrank.
Eins haben M. und ich aber nicht ganz verstanden-
Weekday führt doch Kleidung für beide Geschlechter... oder?
Naja, die Damen haben hier den Vorteil, entschieden wir uns.

Leider gibt es auch in Köln keinen Schmuck von Vivienne Westwood und als Grund wurde mir angegeben, dass man diesen in so hohen Mengen abnehmen müsste, dass es sich für kleinere Läden nicht lohnt.
Auf auf ihr Kaufhäuser, wofür habt ihr denn das Geld ?!

Dort, wo Comme des Garçons geführt wird, hatte man leider nicht geöffnet oder ist generell nicht offen für spontane Besucher, vielleicht muss man sich ja anmelden....
Jedenfalls fand ich es ziemlich schade, dass man nur einen Blick durch die milchigen Scheiben der Glastür des Ladens einen Blick erhaschen konnte.

Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2010


Nochmal Deutsch.
Ich war heute mit meiner Freundin M. auf der Suche nach einer Marken Sonnenbrille, ja so einer auf der CHANEL Cs draufsind oder uns GUCCI in Strasssteinchen anglitzert.
Eigentlich ist es mir relativ egal, woher mein Brillchen stammt, solange es gut aussieht und naja, UV SChutz, darüber habe ich noch nie so richtig nachgedacht...Aber selbst auf meinen billigen H&M Anschaffungen steht ja, dass das liebe Plastik mich oder eher meine Augen vor der Sonne schützt, also ist doch alles ok.
Der Grund, dass ich mich in ein Brillengeschäft bewegte war, dass nachdem M. meine neueste Anschaffung mit Namen Sonnenbrillen ansah und ich ihr stolz verkündete, dass dies ja eine Rarität sei und ich Geschäft nach Geschäft abgeklappert habe, um so eine zu finden, worauf sie dann entgegnete, nein, die gäbe es ja auch von CHANEL.
Gab's aber nicht. Ich im Recht, alles gut.
Naja, ganz ehrlich, es gibt diese runden Nerd-Brillen auch teurer als für das bisschen, dass ich bezahlt habe. Aber ganz ehrlich: Muss das denn sein?
(Ich weiß, darüber gibt es sehr kontroverse Meinungen, lassen wir's lieber.)

Apropos Nerd-Brille. Jetzt laufen die mit Ray-Ban Abklatsche rum, die letztes Jahr noch meinten, wir würden uns ja alles sowas von hässlich damit machen. Tja, Zeit für das runde Modell denke ich da.

Zur Abwechslung mal auf Deutsch - mein Englisch verrostet eh in letzter Zeit- trotz meines Konsums (??) englischsprachiger Bücher, Blogs etc. ...
Nachdem ich diese nette, schöne Strumpfhose von H&M heiß gewaschen habe, passt sie auch richtig. Sie bildet zwar immernoch ein paar Dellen und Falten bei längerem Tragen, aber das ist ja nicht weiter schlimm. Hauptsache sie schlackert nicht als sei sie drei Nummern zu groß ...
Aber ob die HIS Hotpants darunter so eine schlaue Idee war, weiß ich nicht - sie tauchte irgendwann so weit auf, dass es mir beinahe peinlich war, dass man diesen alten, verblichenen Lappen darunter sehen konnte. Dann vielleicht doch tiefere Einblicke - oder schönere Hotpants.


Monday or Tuesday was really sunny.
Sunny for the first time this year.

Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2010

Mr. Yamamoto

(photos taken from the German Vogue site, photo by Andrew Thomas)

This is so awesome, saw it in Faces Magazine today (which I bought 'cause I was kinda bored and wanted some "exciting" stuff to read).
I hadn't yet seen anything of Yamamoto's recent collections, so I was like "How could I miss such a thing? I'm glad I bought the magazine."
I love the simplicity, the details -the cuts and the cut-outs. I'm always attracted by shredded, cut or totally torn pieces.
The great thing about this one is that I can clearly imagine it being worn wherever and whenever ♥

Ow, by the way it also inspires me for some DIY work ;D

AND I love the make-up. Extremely pale skin is such a beautiful thing, isn't it?

Montag, 15. Februar 2010


Some day, i think I will be able to enjoy it all and smile about some things that now seem painful.
I want to work with the wonderful images from Sakuran, but actually everything that has to do with Japan pinches my heart and reminds me of... a certain happening.
But times change and I think sooner or later I will be over it and can play with Geisha images and Kabuki actors.
Oh damn, that sounds so theatralic...
I don't want to "delete" all my love, all the passion that I have invested into one thing over years, but I have to grow up a little and open my eyes and mind to other things, too.
But I guess this country will occupy a part in my heart forever.

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

gawd...julius fall 2010

Damn, this is so awesome i find no words.
That's how I like it. Yes.

pictures from

Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010


enjoying assam milk tea again.
I don't like it when milk tea is called the "tea for beginners"... just because there is milk in it and it might remind one of coffee?

givenchy.spring 2010.

The bright background, combined to the white hair and the porcelain skin create a wonderful image of pureness.
I cannot say much about the products as I haven't used any of them, but maybe they are worth a try?

Montag, 1. Februar 2010

how to bury the past.

no, i don't need a make-up tutorial, a style council, a DIY tutorial ...

I want to know how, if you realized something is BAD for you,
how the hell do you stop longing for it??

Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

Bright Lights, Big City

In CSI N.Y. (don't ask me why I watch it....recently I watch too much TV) they were talking about a book called "Bright Lights, Big City" and the plot seemed interesting to me so I decided to look for it...and found it in my university's library.

The book is awesome, really.
So, which is worse: living an illusion or losing it?
Well, go and read the book please.
A long way of regaining consciousness.


finally I bought "fashion now 2".
a good overview and really inspiring ;D

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010


Cute stuff ♥

By the way, I think blush is so important for daily make-up ... without it I'd look dead and incredibly pale.
The one in the pictures is MAC mineralize blush, colour:gentle.

Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

birthday. winter.

(photo: roses i got from my dad)

"It's hugely important, and it's disappearing with global warming. It's the season of the imagination, when we invent stories. We need winter to reflect, to sit in darkness, to deal with the ghosts of the past. And then we can move forward."
Sting in ZOO MAGAZINE nr.25

Even though I agree to that, this winter lasts too long for me now... I need the sun, easy brisk days which cheer me up.
I caught a cold and it seems the ghosts of the past haunt me too often
it's time for spring to come.

On 12th January is my birthday, and as this year's 12th January has already passed I'm a year older now.
Thanks to my family and my friends, this day was really wonderful ♥

Freitag, 8. Januar 2010

it's been a while.

Here I am again, and there are several more or less important news.

First of all, I'm going to buy a camera. But still I haven't decided on which....
The Canon EOS 450D seems a good choice...
see here :
Well, the Nikon 3000 D also seems good
but hm, I have no real idea of cameras...
It's more like photography became much fun and I want to have better means to get the result I want.

Next, I'm gonna quit university. I studied English and Japanese and it was really frsutrating...So I'm gonna do something new. Now I have to work on my application! (I really really have to get up my ass and WORK.)

I joined
Here's my page.

And I'm planning a trip to Berlin!

My friend Martin is having an exhibition of some of his works:
for those who speak Japanese:
and this here:
I'd really like to got there...but I just can't afford it...there are several things I wanna do with the money I have now and so I'm just there in my thoughts.

Sonntag, 3. Januar 2010

Tilda. alone.

Swinton: Wenn du als Kind viel allein gelassen wirst, dann mag dir das gar nicht gefallen, aber es kann wirklich gut für dich sein - weil du dann ein reiches inneres Leben entwickelst. Wenn du zu sehr unter Leuten bist, dich allzu geborgen fühlst, fehlt die Herausforderung, innerlich zu wachsen.

Samstag, 2. Januar 2010

zoo mag.

new copy of zoo magazine is awesome, feeds mind & heart.